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Page in construction ; Last Update January 2025

THEMIS data products and access

Data products summary

Currently, THEMIS provides 4 type of data products:

  • Full-Sun guider images
  • Broadband camera images
  • Slit-jaw camera images
  • MTR2 spectral cameras images (with or without polarimetry)

Their production is detailed on the THEMIS technical information page, with informations about the possible options available to the users.

Data products examples

Full-Sun guider images

Broadband images

Natural image without AO, with AO, with AO and post-facto reconstruction

Slit-jaw camera

Planetary configuration (Mercury)
Static                 ;       Scan (100Hz stabilization)

Solar configuration (no polarisation)
Static           ;             Scan

Spectral images

The MTR observation mode allows multi-line spectro-polarimetric observations. The available spectral cameras allows for simultaneous observation of a combination of up to 6 wavelengths. However observers usually limits their analysis to 3-4 wavelength. Available wavelengths are currently in the range [430-870] nm. Available combinations of wavelength depends on the actual position of the diffracted spectra at the exit of the spectrograph. The polarimeter is optimized for 6250Å and 4250Å.

For non polarized observations, for each channel, at each time, the dataset consists 2D image, with a variable wavelength across the field of view in one direction, and the spatial direction along the slit in the other directions. Each channel is centered on a different wavelength across the line profile.

Datas examples :

NaD2 config with field scanning and AO

NaD2 config with field scanning and AO

DATA Access

THEMIS heritage data

The full archive until 2014 is stored on DLT tapes at the telescope. We do have a functionnal tape reader but no usable software to run it.
We maintain an incomplete archive of years 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014 on HDDs. Listing of what's available:

Other solar databases and virtual observatories

  • NASA VSO “Virtual Solar Observatory”
  • Soteria SODA “SOTERIA Data Archive, it is a virtual observatory and is supposed to make data location & access as easy as using Google.”
observation/data.1740419345.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/24 17:49 by etienne
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