Historical THEMIS rationale

THEMIS rationale in 1990

[ The following text is attributed to Jean Arnaud, circa 1990]

THEMIS (Telescope Heliographique pour 1’Etude du Magnetisme et des Instability Solaires) is a new generation French-Italian solar telescope, built by INSU-CNRS (France) and CNR (Italy).
The main scientific goal for which it has been designed is the accurate determination of the vector magnetic field. This goal has led to those main requirements:

  1. High spatial resolution
  2. Accurate polarization measurement
  3. Simultaneous observations in several spectral lines

THEMIS is the first solar telescope to fill those three conditions.
For the first one, this is done thanks to the choice of the site, the quality of the optics, a sophisticated thermal control inside the dome and the building and a tip-tilt fast guiding mirror. The optical scheme of the telescope, is maintained axially symetrical up to the polarization analyser, minimizing the instrumental polarization and allowing to fill the second condition. The use of an echelle spectrograph allows simultaneous observations of several lines in a wide spectral range.

In addition to the multi-lines Stokes polarimetry, THEMIS is fitted out with other capabilities:

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