(navigator.platform != "MacPPC") && (navigator.platform != "Mac68k")){
// If Internet Explorer under Windows then use ActiveX output = '<OBJECT ID="Player" width=' output += DisplayWidth; output += ' height='; output += DisplayHeight; output += ' CLASSID="CLSID:DE625294-70E6-45ED-B895-CFFA13AEB044" '; output += 'CODEBASE="'; output += BaseURL; output += 'activex/AMC.cab#version=4,1,4,5">'; output += '<PARAM NAME="MediaURL" VALUE="'; output += BaseURL; output += File + '">'; output += '<param name="MediaType" value="mjpeg-unicast">'; output += '<param name="ShowStatusBar" value="0">'; output += '<param name="ShowToolbar" value="0">'; output += '<param name="AutoStart" value="1">'; output += '<param name="StretchToFit" value="1">'; // Remove the // for the ptz settings below to use the code for click-in-image. // output += '<param name="PTZControlURL" value="'; // output += BaseURL; // output += '/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?camera=1">'; // output += '<param name="UIMode" value="ptz-relative">'; // or "ptz-absolute" output += '<BR><B>Axis Media Control</B><BR>'; output += 'The AXIS Media Control, which enables you '; output += 'to view live image streams in Microsoft Internet'; output += ' Explorer, could not be registered on your computer.'; output += '<BR></OBJECT>';} else {
// If not IE for Windows use the browser itself to display theDate = new Date(); output = '<IMG SRC="'; output += BaseURL; output += File; output += '&dummy=' + theDate.getTime().toString(10); output += '" HEIGHT="'; output += DisplayHeight; output += '" WIDTH="'; output += DisplayWidth; output += '" ALT="Camera Image">';} document.write(output); document.Player.ToolbarConfiguration = “play,+snapshot,+fullscreen” Remove the below to use the code for Motion Detection.
// document.Player.UIMode = "MDConfig"; // document.Player.MotionConfigURL = "/axis-cgi/operator/param.cgi?ImageSource=0" // document.Player.MotionDataURL = "/axis-cgi/motion/motiondata.cgi";</SCRIPT>
Terms of use: unless otherwise specified, all graphical (webcam records, movies, pictures) or non-graphical material (text) from this site is property of CNRS-THEMIS under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license.