===== THEMIS galleries =====
\\ \\ [[results:gallery:ar|Solar active regions]]
\\ [[results:gallery:ar|images & animations gallery]]
\\ \\ [[results:gallery:granulation|Solar granulation]]
\\ [[results:gallery:granulation|images and animation gallery]]
\\ \\ [[results:gallery:protu|Solar prominences]]
\\ [[results:gallery:protu|images and animation gallery]]
\\ \\ [[results:gallery:mercury|Mercury]]
\\ [[results:gallery:mercury|images and animation gallery]]
\\ \\ [[results:gallery:planetary|Planets]]
\\ [[results:gallery:planetary|images and animation gallery]]
\\ \\ [[results:gallery:building|THEMIS building]]
\\ [[results:gallery:building|pictures gallery]]
\\ \\ [[results:gallery:schema|THEMIS technical]]
\\ [[results:gallery:schema|graphics gallery]]
\\ \\ [[results:gallery:instrumentation|THEMIS instruments]]
\\ [[results:gallery:instrumentation|pictures gallery]]
\\ \\ [[results:gallery:tao|THEMIS Adaptive Optics]]
\\ [[results:gallery:tao|images and animation gallery]]
==== THEMIS Adaptive Optics (TAO) ====
=== Images ===
=== Animations ===
Photosphere whitelight images with/without TAO \\
==== THEMIS Building ====
=== Images ===
==== THEMIS telescope and optical bench ====
=== Images ===