====== Observing with THEMIS ====== The objective of this page is to provide information to research scientists desiring to benefit from observation time with the THEMIS Solar telescope. Observation campaigns generally range from April to October.\\ Interested user are encouraged to check **[[themis:technical| the latest information on available THEMIS instrumentation and observing capacities]]**, as well as the [[observation:data|available data products]].\\ Interested researchers are also encouraged to [[Telephones and locations | contact the THEMIS staff]] --- in particular email //[[bgelly@themis.iac.es|Bernard GELLY]]// or //[[etienne@themis.iac.es|Etienne PARIAT]]// ---- directly to obtain more specific information or express their needs. === Yearly THEMIS observing campaign === **2025 observing campaign : forthcoming, call for the "French time" is not open yet** \\ (100 days campaign, deadline for proposals will be: Feb 17th, 2025) [[call25:2025_call_for_observing_time| Call for 2025 observing campaign]] **2024 observing campaign : ** [[Observation:2024Campaing| Campaign schedule]] ; [[call24:2024_call_for_observing_time| Call for 2024 observing campaign]] (closed) **2023 observing campaign : ** [[Observation:2023Campaing| Campaign schedule]] ; [[call23:2023_call_for_observing_time| Call for 2023 observing campaign]] (closed) \\ **[[Observation:PreviousCampaign| Previous observing campaign ]]** === General Acces Rules === Applicants can find hereafter general rules about access and procedure to obtain observation time. Specific details can change from one year to the other. Interested researchers shall also check the calls of previous observation campaign. Use of the THEMIS telescope is granted by rights to the French and Spanish communities, but also to the international community through the CCI-ITP time allocation procedures: The International Scientific Committee (CCI) of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC), overseeing the Canary islands telescopes, awards observing time through its International Time Program (ITP). \\ The available time ratio and application procedure is specific to each category of user: * Applicants to "French time": ~75% time of the campaign. Proposal for the French time are allocated by the THEMIS TAC. Applicants shall complete a specific proposal form and email it to the THEMIS director. Please note that French users must take care of their travel and subsistence expenses. * Applicants to "Spanish time": ~20% time of the campaign. Proposal for the Spanish time are allocated by the Spanish TAC. Applicants should follow the instructions of the **[[http://www.iac.es/OOCC/solar-cat| IAC solar CAT]]** proposal system. * Applicants to the "CCI time Solar ITP": ~5% time of the total. Proposals for ITP time are allocated by the EAST-TAC, a joint European time allocation committee of the European Association for Solar Telescopes (EAST). Applicants shall follo the instructions of the **[[https://www.solarnet-project.eu/Access-Calls#telescopes | Solarnet TNA webpage]]**. As soon as the appropriate refereeing steps for each community and TAC have been passed, the THEMIS staff will quickly inform the applicants of the outcome of their proposal. === Practical Information for THEMIS observers=== [[admin:location| How to reach THEMIS locations]] \\ [[admin:contacts| How to contact THEMIS Staff]] \\ [[observation:weather| Weather at THEMIS location and weather forecasts]] \\ [[https://www.iac.es/en/observatorios-de-canarias/teide-observatory/services | Room and meal reservation webpage of Teide Observatoru/IAC]]